Monday, November 4, 2013

Catching a Show in Pittsburgh with Friends

"Good luck needs no explanation." ~ Shirley Temple

Once in a while, the stars align and a great opportunity presents itself.  Last week, a friend invited me to join him and his sister to see the Queen-inspired musical, "We Will Rock You" at Benedum Center in Pittsburgh.  At the precise moment that I was one click away from purchasing tickets for balcony seats at $53 a piece, my friend messaged me to hold on.

As luck would have it, my friend had just met a member of the cast and they became friends immediately.  The adorable, incredibly generous new friend provided us with a great opportunity to see the show for free.  As if the opportunity to see the show free of charge wasn't generous enough, our seats were incredible!  We were located in the middle of the orchestra section in seats that would have normally cost close to $300.

The view from our seats was spectacular and the cast and crew did a nice job.  The plot was a bit silly, but the talents of the cast came out through their adaptations of some great songs and fantastic choreography.  The sets were well designed and it was evident that the cast and crew put a lot of work into their show.

All in all, I'd have to say it was an incredible night and it sure pays to have such wonderful friends!  We had fun and got to see a good show.  Can't beat a great night out with some awesome people.  I'm grateful to have some amazing people in my life.